Discipline. It’s not the sexiest word in the dictionary, is it? For many, it conjures up thoughts of restriction, punishment, or dull routines. But let me tell you something – discipline is freedom. It’s the foundation of everything I’ve achieved, and in my latest YouTube video, I dive into how discipline has played a transformative role in my journey to becoming debt-free and creating a sustainable life. If you’re someone who struggles with sticking to habits or feels overwhelmed by financial challenges, I’d love for you to read on, reflect on my story, and watch the full video for even more insights.
My Debt Story
Over a decade ago, I was in a place I’m sure many of you can relate to: drowning in debt. Credit cards, loans, overdrafts – you name it, I had it. At the time, I was spending more than I earned and, quite honestly, burying my head in the sand about the growing problem. The weight of debt is something I’ll never forget. It wasn’t just the financial burden; it was the constant stress, the sleepless nights, and the feeling of being trapped.
The turning point came in 2010 when I moved to a new city for a fresh start. With a new job and new surroundings, I decided it was time to tackle the debt once and for all. By the end of 2011, I made a bold decision: to pay off all my debts within 12 months. It was an ambitious goal, but one that set me on a path I’ll always be grateful for.
The Role of Discipline
So, how did I do it? One word: discipline. At the start of 2012, I took stock of everything I owed (around £25,000) and created a plan. I contacted the organisations I owed money to, arranged payment plans, and even negotiated to have interest paused where possible. Then, I committed to setting aside a significant portion of my salary each month to pay off those debts.
But that was just the start. I needed to completely overhaul my relationship with money and build sustainable habits. That’s where discipline came in. I invested in two simple tools: a small red cash book and a basic spreadsheet. Every single day, I tracked my spending, no matter how small the amount. If I bought lunch or treated myself to a coffee, it went in the book. At the end of each day, I logged those figures into my spreadsheet. It was tedious at first (I’m more of a creative person, not a numbers enthusiast!), but I stuck with it because I knew it was the key to achieving my goal.
By the end of 2012, I had done it. I paid off every penny of my debt. And let me tell you, the relief was indescribable. The stress that had weighed on my shoulders for so long was gone. I had achieved something I once thought was impossible, and it all came down to building the discipline to stick to my plan.
How Discipline Created Sustainability
Fast forward to today, and I’ve been debt-free for over a decade. But the story doesn’t end there. Discipline didn’t just help me clear my debts; it helped me build a sustainable life. Here’s how:
Budgeting and Tracking: Even now, I dedicate 5-10 minutes a day to my finances. I’ve swapped the cash book for notes on my phone, but I still track every penny and update my spreadsheet religiously. It’s a habit that keeps me accountable and ensures I’m always on top of my finances.
Saving and Investing: Since becoming debt-free, I’ve been able to focus on building my savings and even started investing a few years ago. These are steps I never imagined taking back when I was in debt, but discipline has made them possible.
Emotional Freedom: The greatest gift discipline has given me is peace of mind. I no longer worry about how I’ll pay the bills or whether I can afford unexpected expenses. The freedom that comes with financial stability is priceless.
Small Steps, Big Results
If there’s one thing I want you to take away from my story, it’s this: small, consistent steps lead to big results. Whether it’s paying off debt, building savings, or adopting a more sustainable lifestyle, the key is to start small and stay consistent. Discipline isn’t about being perfect or overhauling your entire life overnight. It’s about showing up every day, even when it’s hard, and taking one step closer to your goals.
What Discipline Can Do for You
In my YouTube video, I share more about the practical steps I took and the lessons I’ve learned along the way. I also offer tips on how you can build discipline in your own life, whether it’s creating a budget, sticking to a fitness routine, or making more sustainable choices.
If you’re struggling with debt or finding it hard to stay on track with your goals, know that you’re not alone. There are organisations out there that can offer support, and I’ve included links to some of them in the video description. (Please note: I’m not qualified to give financial advice, but these resources can be a great starting point.)
Watch the Video and Join the Community
I’d love for you to watch the full video and hear more about my journey. My hope is that it inspires you to reflect on your own relationship with discipline and consider how it could help you create a more sustainable life. If the video resonates with you, please give it a thumbs up, leave a comment, and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel. Together, we can build lives full of purpose, style, and sustainability. Watch the video here
Discipline isn’t always easy, and it’s certainly not glamorous. But it’s the foundation of freedom, growth, and sustainability. It’s the tool that helped me go from being buried in debt to building a life I love, and I know it can do the same for you. So, what’s one area of your life where you’d like to build more discipline? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
Thank you for being part of this journey with me, and I can’t wait to see where we go next. Let’s grow, thrive, and live sustainably together. 🌿